teaching families to live


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At Countercultural, we believe our world has lost focus of what truly matters.
We help families recognize that THESE ARE THE YEARS YOU CAN'T GET BACK.
Let's begin to launch your family legacy and get back to what matters most. 

why countercultural?

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About the hostettler's

When that all too familiar year of 2020 hit, we had a unique opportunity. After we had ran two businesses for multiple years, the fast pace of life had caught up to us. Erica had a fitness studio and Lucas had a lawn care business. At the time, our babies were 3 months old and 2 years old. We recognized in the mix of our hustle, bustle busy life that we were missing the YEARS WE CAN"T GET BACK! We recognized that if we continued the pace, we would wake up one day and regret missing out on the most important moments of our lives...raising our kids and spending quality time with them.

When Covid hit and our businesses tanked, we took advantage of this time. We sold 90% of our belongings, including our house, and hit the road full time in a RV. We traveled for 2 years and got a taste of a different life. We realized that the life this American culture promotes is not one that leaves time for family or really any of the important things in life. It emphasizes focusing on building a career and accumulating more stuff. In the midst of that, families lose their physical health, mental health, and important moments.

Our society is stressed, overworked, and unhealthy. We believe there is a better way. We believe there is a countercultural way that allows time for what is truly important. It will require some let go, but the let go is worth it. Our prayer is that countercultural will inspire more families to focus on what truly matters and grasp TODAY that THESE ARE THE YEARS YOU CAN'T GET BACK. We better not waste them!

launch your family legacy now!

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8 day challenge for FREE!
